Working together to restore the agricultural landscape and biodiversity. That is the goal of citizen cooperative Land van Ons. With contributions from participants, Land van Ons purchases agricultural land for farming in a nature-friendly manner. The land of Polderlab Vrouwe Venne also belongs to Land van Ons.
Actively conducting research into the agriculture of the future is completely in line with the goals of the citizen cooperative. That is why the Polderlab is a special project for Land van Ons. Land van Ons manages the land, contracts the farmers and designs the land together with the scientists.
Land van Ons is ambitious: the goal is to buy 300000 hectares of farmland in 10 years time. That is 15% of all Dutch agricultural land.
These are the most important goals of Land van Ons:
As a citizen you can buy square meters of agricultural land through Land van Ons. Two-thirds of the Netherlands is agricultural land, and this is where a major opportunity to restoring biodiversity lies. Everyone can participate - after all, the landscape belongs to all of us.
Land van Ons is run by volunteers. Participants' money goes directly towards the purchase and management of farmland. Are you excited and do you want to participate? Visit (Dutch).